The Keeping Game

“The Mossdale estate in the Yorkshire Dales, owned by the Van Cutsem family, obtained £54,000 in [EU common agricultural policy (CAP)] subsides in 2014 and £170,000 in 2015. In June, the estate resigned from the Moorland Association after a keeper was filmed setting illegal pole traps.” (

Resigning from that interest group is simply a saving of £75.00 pa; how about our money back?

The parliamentary debate on driven grouse shooting is Monday 31 October 2016, 4.30pm, Westminster Hall.


“Scotland has the potential to produce well more energy than it needs from renewable sources…” (

…without more wells:
“The Scottish Government will not support underground coal gasification (UCG) developments in Scotland.” (

“The country’s next challenge … is to figure out how to translate success in electricity production to lagging areas, such as heating and transport.” (

Lagging is of course usually deployed as insulation – the Scottish climate giveth and it taketh away.


“PR disasters for the UK’s shooting industry dog the opening of the pheasant season …
A catalogue of incidents, including the government-sanctioned killing of buzzards to ‘protect’ pheasants so they can be shot later and the RSPB’s recent withdrawal of its support for the Hen Harrier Action Plan (because of continued persecution of these protected birds of prey on grouse moors), are shining a spotlight into the murky secrets of the commercial shooting industry.” (

The UK’s shooting industry dog has had its day.


“A staggering 52% of the E.coli from pork and poultry samples were resistant to the antibiotic trimethoprim, which is used to treat over half of lower urinary-tract infections. …
Trimethoprim is commonly used to mass-medicate whole groups of animals via their feed or water.” (

If you suffer from a urinary tract infection, try applying some supermarket poultry.