Barncake Day

“While free-range egg farmers would prefer their birds to be outside, they also wouldn’t want to risk the health of their birds. Their sheds have plenty of room for the birds to move around freely and include scratching areas so birds can still display their natural instinctive behaviour.
Farmers have also put in additional stimulants like footballs, cabbages and even Christmas trees to keep the birds happy.”

In ancient times, jungle fowl were originally domesticated for their invaluable natural instinct to peck up fallen pine needles.

After perfunctory testing on chickens, cabbage is set to be marketed as a natural alternative to recreational stimulants.

Sick Squid

The Cuvier’s beaked whale’s stomach was full of plastic bags and packaging with labels in Danish and English. … The whale may have mistaken them for squid which they usually prey on.

A spokesperson for the food packaging industry said there was really nothing more it could do, since all plastic wrapping already carries the explicit warning “not squid” in both Danish and English.


“A Coca Cola spokesperson said: ‘We support recovery and recycling of our packaging and we want to help find ways to ensure that less of it is littered and ends up in the sea. Whilst we support and participate in deposit schemes in some countries, in some cases we have believed a different approach could be more effective and more sustainable than DRS [Deposit Return Scheme] – and in the UK we have raised some concerns about the impact of a DRS scheme on household recycling rates.'”

Business models based on maximising the sale of one-use items will want us to forget the second part of the equation:
Reduction in household recycling of plastic bottles = bad
Converting recycling to the neglected other two Rs – Reducing and Reusing = good