High Tide

the marine life just beneath our feet, we’re actually finding they’re full of drugs. They’re full of the contraceptive pills, anti-depressants, anti-anxiety medication. Every single marine species that we’ve looked at so far is full of cocaine.

Britain’s Raw Sewage Dumping Scandal Leaves Fish ‘Full Of Cocaine’ | HuffPost UK Politics

Singing ‘cockles and mussels are high, are high-o’.

Air on the Water

“In May the PLA [Port of London Authority] released its own air quality strategy for the Thames, including targets to cut NOx and particulates by half over the next 25 years.
Such measures are already being implemented in the Thames Clippers, but critics have pointed out that even with these changes pollution levels would still far exceed those of road vehicles.
“To me it’s weak – it’s a lot of smoke and mirrors to say they are doing something.”” https://www.independent.co.uk/environment/air-pollution-river-thames-boats-transport-shipping-ferries-nitrogen-dioxide-sadiq-khan-a8411561.html

The mirrors are making the smoke seem twice as bad as it actually is.

Eels on the Line

“The cocaine-exposed eels appeared “hyperactive” and their skeletal muscle showed evidence of serious injury, including muscle breakdown and swelling. … A polluted river will not have only cocaine, but also, for example, THC, morphine, MDMA, pesticides, heavy metals, phenols and antibiotics.” https://www.theguardian.com/environment/2018/jun/21/cocaine-in-rivers-harming-endangered-eels-study-finds

Economists fear the bottom will soon fall out of the illegal drugs trade as users discover the circular economy – a good draught of river water will fulfil all their medication needs.

Love Litter

“A spokesman for [SEPA] said: ‘Our officers are comfortable that there is no environmental risk to the River Cree as a result of the bottles being released and, following inquiries, understand almost all of the bottles were contained and removed from the river fairly quickly by local residents.’ …
‘It was never my intent to harm the environment. It was more accident, naivety as well as stupidity in the execution. … It was just my intention to send a wee love bottle with a message to someone I had not yet met.'” http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-scotland-south-scotland-40738484

100s litres fuel, 2000 bottles, 1 4G-enabled motorhome, 50 dates – priceless.


A kingfisher “kills the fish by striking them against its perch. This softens the stiff spines of the sticklebacks, making them easier to swallow. However, the bird appears to have gone a step further by using the spines to pin three sticklebacks to its regular branch.” http://scottishwildlifetrust.org.uk/article/kingfisher-mystery-in-montrose/

Breakfast cereal for birds: Fish Crispies – slap, stickle, prop; and for tea a little smokie.

Weegie Wrecks

“As one of very few surviving paddle steamer wrecks, Iona I makes a significant contribution to the cultural landscape of the Clyde basin and our understanding of Clyde paddle steamers.” (http://news.gov.scot/news/new-protected-marine-areas-announced)

Surviving wrecks of paddling steamers in the Clyde environs are actually plentiful. Bless Glesga’s cultural landscape.

Dam Statistics

“Last year the EA blamed a more stringent regime as part of the reason for the poor performance [of water bodies]. The [European] commission has brought in more comprehensive assessments, tougher standards and a one-out-all-out rule which means that, if a water body fails on just one of up to 40 elements, the whole body is categorised as a fail. …
The low compliance rate masks better performance on individual elements. Between 82-88% of all chemical and biological elements are predicted to be at ‘good or better status’ in all river basin districts by 2021.” (http://www.theguardian.com/environment/2016/jan/15/englands-waters-to-remain-illegally-polluted-beyond-2021)

‘One out, all out’ is too harsh. The fish should be fine if only 12-18% toxic indicators are present. Just like cyanide doesn’t kill you unless all other poisons are present.


“The same low-ground farmers who suffer most from the impacts of beavers are also the ones that are responsible for the many negative environmental impacts caused by intensive agriculture, such as topsoil depletion.” (http://www.theecologist.org/blogs_and_comments/commentators/2986564/scotlands_wild_beaver_shoot_to_kill_policy_is_illegal_and_wrong.html)

Those with depleted topsoil often make low-ground decisions.

Please sign the petition to save the free beavers of Scotland.


“Acidification of rivers could make young pink salmon, the most abundant type in the Pacific, smaller and more vulnerable to predators by dampening their ability to smell danger.” (http://uk.reuters.com/article/2015/06/29/us-climatechange-salmon-idUKKCN0P91XK20150629)

Damp is the least of their problems.


“Hundreds of spring Chinook salmon have been found dead in Oregon rivers over the past week, in a sign that abnormally high water temperatures are taking a toll on the threatened species.” (http://uk.reuters.com/article/2015/06/19/us-usa-oregon-salmon-idUKKBN0OZ2L420150619)

Local wild parsley was also wilting.