
Seventeen landfills across England are known to be producing a highly toxic liquid substance containing some banned and potentially carcinogenic “forever chemicals”, in some cases at levels 260 times higher than that deemed safe for drinking water, it can be revealed. However the government says it does not know where these landfills are.

Nevertheless, questions are being asked around the water cooler.

Sew Age

Chichester and Langstone Harbour, a SPA and Ramsar site, received over 3,200 hours of sewage in 2022, discharged by Southern Water. …

Pharmaceuticals found in the waters included painkillers, antibiotics, and antidepressants. The study also found traces of ecstasy and cocaine, as well pesticide residues of neonicotinoids, some of which were banned in the UK because of their negative effects on pollinating species. …

The study found particularly high concentrations of ketamine, used as a recreational drug, in wildlife such as crabs, limpets, oysters, seaweed and ragworms.

How England and Wales’ protected habitats have been hit by sewage spills – Unearthed

Since this story broke, these conservation sites have been inundated with human visitors who have had to be discouraged from licking sea creatures.

Destructive Accounting

The UK Oil and Gas Authority (OGA) is a state-owned body that was set up to “maximise economic recovery” of oil and gas resources. This mandate is enshrined in legislation, specifically the Petroleum Act.

By not including the significant tax breaks that oil and gas companies receive in its definition of “economic recoverability”, we are arguing that the OGA’s new Strategy, adopted in February, is unlawful and will encourage more oil and gas to be extracted, endangering our climate targets and the Government’s commitment to net zero emissions.

Paid to pollute

The spirit of the law here is petroleum vapour.


Angel Carrizales, head of Mexico’s oil safety regulator ASEA, wrote on Twitter that the incident “did not generate any spill,” according to Reuters news agency, but did not explain what was burning on the water’s surface.

Nor what the surrounding boats were spraying it with, assuming it wasn’t water.

Circoilar Economy

ConocoPhillips plans to install “chillers” into the permafrost — which is thawing fast because of climate change — to keep it solid enough to drill for oil

Biden’s Fossil Fuel Moves Clash With Pledges on Climate …

Fear not: the chillers will use less oil than the drills will liberate.

We apologise for any disruption

We’re exposed to [endocrine-disrupting chemicals (EDCs)] through what we eat and drink, the air we breathe, and the products we put on our skin. … Present-day sperm count data speaks not to the chemical environment today, but to the environment as it was when those men were still in the womb. That environment is undoubtedly becoming more polluted.

The more we demand from this planet, the more we get: climate change, pandemic, infertility… Can you hear cackling? I can hear cackling.

Petrochemicals need Protection

The bill would establish Louisiana as a “fossil fuel sanctuary state” and ban local and state employees from enforcing federal laws and regulations that negatively impact petrochemical companies.

Fossil fuels are indeed at conservation status ‘threatened’, from those trying to extinguish them. Hydrocarbons have a right to liberty and freedom of combustion.

Air on the Water

“In May the PLA [Port of London Authority] released its own air quality strategy for the Thames, including targets to cut NOx and particulates by half over the next 25 years.
Such measures are already being implemented in the Thames Clippers, but critics have pointed out that even with these changes pollution levels would still far exceed those of road vehicles.
“To me it’s weak – it’s a lot of smoke and mirrors to say they are doing something.””

The mirrors are making the smoke seem twice as bad as it actually is.

Eels on the Line

“The cocaine-exposed eels appeared “hyperactive” and their skeletal muscle showed evidence of serious injury, including muscle breakdown and swelling. … A polluted river will not have only cocaine, but also, for example, THC, morphine, MDMA, pesticides, heavy metals, phenols and antibiotics.”

Economists fear the bottom will soon fall out of the illegal drugs trade as users discover the circular economy – a good draught of river water will fulfil all their medication needs.

Coffeetive Dissonance

“Environment Secretary Michael Gove said in December that Britain had to “stop offshoring our dirt” and deal with its plastic waste at home.”

“However, the reusable version appeared to have been abandoned in favour of a plastic-lined, single-use cup as he gave evidence to the Environment, Food and Rural Affairs Committee on the work of Defra – including topics such as farming, air quality and post-Brexit plans.”

UK government is committed to personally creating fulfilling jobs for those who deal with its plastic waste.